Wartungsarbeiten am 6.Juli von 6:30 Uhr bis 7:30 Uhr - Datenabfrage beeinträchtigt
Milchprüfring Bayern e.V. (Bavarian Association for raw milk testing)

Consumer protection and animal welfare are the focus of all efforts at the Milchprüfring Bayern e.V. (mpr). Controlling the quality of milk and to promote it in the long term is the main claim of mpr, as well as in the interest of all stakeholders which are part of the milk food chain.

As a service provider for dairies and milk producers, our employees work fast, competent, reliable and costumer-oriented in order to carry out all test orders neutrally and efficiently to ensure process and product quality.

The Milchprüfring Bayern e.V. is a pioneer in the field of analysis of raw milk. At its location in Wolnzach, mpr runs one of the largest raw milk laboratories worldwide which determines about 100 million validated analytical results from more than
13 million samples. Within the framework of various quality programs our sales representatives carry out more than 10.000 inspection visits on dairy farms every year.

Furthermore mpr gets involved in the development of innovative methods and supports projects to improve the information base for the management of dairy farms. This happens especially in order to promote animal health and animal welfare.

The Milchprüfring Bayern e.V. is registered as a non-profit association in the register of associations at the district court Ingolstadt with the ID code VR20675. The laboratory of mpr is accredited according to DIN EN ISO 17025 by DAkkS. The accreditation is only valid for the scope of accreditation listed in the document´s attachment (registration number D-PL-14303-01). mpr runs an independent inspection agency, accredited according to DIN EN ISO 17020 by DAkkS . For the scope of accreditation see as well the annex to the document (registration number D-IS-14303-01).

These values are to be considered as guidelines for all actions of the employees and committees of mpr:

  • Neutrality
  • High Quality
  • Innovation
  • Reliability
  • Fairness
  • Efficiency

The Milchprüfung Bayern e.V. is financed from the reimbursement of costs which are agreed through management contracts with the clients. Cost-rates are calculated under non-profit conditions of a non-proft association to the polluter pay principle so there is no over- or under-cover in the medium term.


Deutschen Verband für Leistungs- und Qualitätsprüfungen e.V. (DLQ)

Arbeitsgruppe zur Förderung von Eutergesundheit und Milchhygiene in den Alpenländern e.V. (AFEMA)